🦅🏀Falcon Family: The original flyer was incorrect. Girls games begin at 6:00. Please share!

🦅 Mrs. Snodgrass's 8th grade Science class created solar system models. They turned out fantastic! Great job, guys!

Due to Wednesday becoming a virtual day, the 4H meeting has been rescheduled to after school on Thursday the 13th. Also, considering the weather, an extension has been granted for speech contest paperwork. Mrs. Barkhimer will need them first thing Thursday morning. Submissions any later will not be accepted.

New Lima will be virtual on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. The weather predictions for an ice event in the morning is the cause. Packets and assignments will be sent home today. Remember, the work needs to be completed for the student to receive attendance for Wednesday. Please stay tuned for further updates.

🦅Elementary Parents: Here's a date to keep in mind!

🦅🐣 P3 has been learning about chickens this week. While they patiently wait for the chickens in the PK room to hatch, they finished their own chicken coop!

🦅Thank you to our sponsors, Security State Bank and Patrons Bank, for their donations! Through those donations, we were able to purchase hats and gloves for all students in the elementary.
Watch our wave of thanks here:

🦅Falcon Family: These items have been found in the gym and we'd like to return them to their rightful owners. If you see something that is yours or your child's, please contact the elementary office. (405)257-5771

🦅🏆Congratulations to our Elementary Students of the Month!

🦅🏆Congratulations to our HS students of the month, Daniel Amos & Waylon Neal! These boys were chosen because they daily exhibit the character trait of self control. Give these boys a pat on the back and a "Congratulations!" when you see them!

Kindergarten has taken the lead in the Box Tops Class Competition!
If you’re not signed up for Box Tops, sign up today.
Here are some brief highlights!
1️⃣ Box top money goes straight to the school, no fundraising!
2️⃣ The app makes saving Box Tops easier than ever. No clipping, and you can give credit directly to your child’s classroom.
3️⃣ Theres no need to spend extra money on anything since Box Top credits are applied automatically when participating products are purchased!
4️⃣ Connect your favorite grocery shopping app, like Walmart, so that receipts are automatically saved and scanned. So easy!
🌟BONUS🌟 When you sign up with the referral code, you get a $5.00 Box Top credit just for submitting your first receipt.
Sign up today! Referral code: JG0P3W71
Thank you, from your favorite little Falcons. 💙💛

Reminder that some 4H students will be competing in their speech contest tomorrow. If you did not sign up for a cafeteria sack lunch, please make sure you send your child's lunch with them tomorrow. If you have any questions, please call the office in the morning at 405-257-3948.

🦅JR/SR Parents: RSVP today!
🦅📚Falcon Family: All Junior and Senior students and parents would greatly benefit from this Q & A. Please share! OPEN TO ALL AREA PARENTS AND STUDENTS! RSVP with Ms. Keesee- kkeesee@newlima.k12.ok.us

Students who participated in basketball will have group and individual pictures tomorrow. Proofs will be sent home at a later date for you to order pictures. Please make sure your student has their basketball shoes at school. Thank you.

Just a reminder that 4H will be meeting after school today for those students participating in the speech contest on February 3. Students will be dismissed at 4:30. We will also be taking 4H pictures for the yearbook on Thursday, January 30.

🦅Falcon Family, in case you missed it, basketball, cross country, G/T, 4H, HS & JH Quiz Bowl, NHS, StuCo, Science Club, and FCA pictures will be taken Thursday, 1/30.

🦅Falcon Family: Please help us out by letting us know your preferred method of communication for announcements, updates, reminders, etc. by filling out the form below.

REMINDER!!! G/T will meet after school today for the Marble Maze Race. You may pick up your student at Mrs. Azlin's room at 5:00.

🦅🏀Falcon Family- Money is due Thursday!

🦅January's board meeting will be held Monday, January 27th @6:30 in Mrs. Barkhimer's office.