🦅Falcon Family- Send us the best!
New Lima Schools is looking to hire a part-time (5 hours a day) janitor. The job will be to clean the baseball, softball, and gymnasium facilities.
Please contact Rhonda Barkhimer at rbarkhimer@newlima.k12.ok.us or at (405)257-5771 with any questions.

🦅Our first and second grades had a BLAST at the Sam Noble Museum yesterday!

🦅🏀Don't let Spirit Week sneak up on you!

🦅🏀The Bowlegs Elementary Basketball Tournament begins tomorrow. Our 3-6 girls and boys basketball teams will leave around 2:20. Games will start at 3pm with 3/4 girls. The 3/4 boys, 5/6 girls, and 5/6 boys to follow. Players are required to ride the bus to Bowlegs, but parents are free to sign them out after they play their games. Mrs. Glenn will be there in the stands to sign them out. Please make sure you see her before you leave.

🦅📣Falcon Fans: Mini Cheer Camp forms and money are due by FRIDAY!

T-shirt orders from the elementary fundraiser went home today. Please check orders tonight and notify the elementary office of any errors tomorrow. We will replace or reorder over the weekend.

🦅📚Falcon Family: Heads up!

🦅October's board meeting will be held Oct. 21st @6:30 in Mrs. Barkhimer's office.

🦅📸Falcon Family: Don't forget, school picture orders are due this FRIDAY!

🦅Falcon Family:
We have some kiddos in need of recognition! A few of our 4H kids took their projects to the state fair and did very well! Ava Morrison, Lane Logan, Lincoln Logan, Tinley Barkhimer, and Kole Logan all qualified to take their projects to the state fair.
-Lane Logan got 10th with his wooden flag
-Tinley Barkhimer got 7th with her squash
-Lincoln Logan got 4th with his tornado

Ms. Keesee's Advanced Computers class began coding today! 🤖

🦅🏀 Falcon Family: Get your gear ready, Spirit Week 2024 is quickly approaching!

🦅Here's 2nd grader, Charlee Morris, dressed up to celebrate Indigenous People's Day.

🦅📣 Get your mini cheerleaders ready! Sign up forms will go home today.

🦅Thank you to the Oklahoma Army National Guard for their $500 donation to New Lima Schools.

🦅Falcon Family: School picture proofs are going home today. Please remember that color and quality of your ordered pictures will be different when we have them professionally printed.
Orders are due by Friday, October 18th in the Elementary or HS office. If you attend Parent/Teacher Conferences and would like to bring your order then, please give it to Ms. Keesee in the HS Annex Computer Lab.

We're thrilled to announce the new app for New Lima! It's
everything New Lima, in your pocket.
Download for Android
Download for iPhone

🦅🏀Elementary Falcon Family:
Elementary students will NOT be allowed to stay after school for the basketball games this week. They must go home and come back at the assigned time.

🦅 G/T Committee Meeting will be held September 30, 2024

🦅♥ Falcon Family- Help us honor your veterans in our program!